Jesus looked into the Book and saw who He was and He clearly understood His Spirit-enabled work to be about proclaiming the good news, releasing exiles and other political prisoners, healing the sick, and freeing the oppressed—in a word… (read more)
Browse Episodes
Rediscovering the Kingdom of God
Jesus only preached the Kingdom of God. He never preached faith, prosperity, the cross or even about being born again. He spoke of being born again, once, in a private conversation only. He never preached deliverance, He just delivered people; He never … (read more)
The Language of God
Through speaking in parables, Jesus grants understanding to those who are seeking after Him – revealing truth to those who are willing to listen and thoughtfully consider what He has to say. Conversely… (read more)
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Coming Soon Annoucement
Screenwriting is a tremendous opportunity to release Kingdom principles that have the power to set people free. But audiences do not go to movies to be preached at. The number one goal for our Kingdom Screenwriters Course is to teach you how to …
Read moreSound the Trumpet in Zion
The Lord is calling forth many of his people, especially storytellers and content creators, from out of obscurity to trumpet a new sound. This new sound is being released to create readiness in the hearts and souls of people to move them toward receptive insight of a love that can only be found in Jesus Christ; stories that are a …
Read moreCalling Kingdom Screenwriters
It is funnuy how a book about Spritual Warefare has been tied up in Spritual Warefare for over 35 years. Joins us as we talk about why this book has never come to the big screen and why it is still in development hell …
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